Complete this form to receive a Management Proposal Name of Community Association * Where is your Community located? * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Total Number of Homes or Condo Units * What type of Association is your Community? * HOA / POA Residential Condo Commercial Condo Co-Op PUD Other How many years has your Association been serviced by your current management company? How many management companies has your association been with in the past five years? Scope of Management Services required: * Full Service Financial Service Only List any special requirements or other relevant information here: Describe Amenities: Please provide your contact information: * First Name Last Name Address: * Day Time Phone: * (###) ### #### Email Address: * If you are a current member of the Board of Directors, indicate your position: If not, please provide the name, email address and phone # of your Board President: First Name Last Name Email Phone (###) ### #### How did you hear about Signature Property Management? Thank you for inquiring about SPM’s professional Community Association Management services. We will be in touch soon.